
Dejeuner with Views of Dresden after Bernardo Bellotto, called Canaletto

Painted by Carl Gottlob Ehrlich, Meissen 1776

Consisting of:

  • Tray, 31.5 cm long; 23.4 cm deep; 2.3 cm high
  • Teapot with lid, 9.4 cm high
  • Sugar bowl with lid, 8.6 cm high
  • Two cups, 4 and 4.1 cm high; Ø 7.1 and 7.2 cm
  • Two saucer stands, Ø 12.5 and 12.4 cm

All pieces with Marcolini swords mark (with star). The vedutes on the porcelains are based on Canaletto paintings

The famous porcelain portraits featuring views of Dresden and Warsaw were created by Carl Gottlob Ehrlich (1744–1799), the leading landscape painter of the Meissen manufactory (see Rückert 1990, pp. 143 ff.). Born around 1744 in Torgau, Ehrlich came to Meissen as a painter's apprentice in 1763 after the Seven Years' War. By 1772—after remarkably few years of professional experience—he was appointed drawing master. In 1774, he was listed among the "Landscape and Prospect Painters of the First Class" with a very high salary of 200 thalers. In 1776, he painted the “Déjeuner with Dresden Views,” now housed in the Kuskovo Museum near Moscow (Rückert, see below).

Ehrlich is also renowned for his oil and gouache paintings outside the manufactory (Walcha, p. 175 end, and p. 176):
“Famous is the enormous composite watercolor in the Meissen City Museum, depicting the view from the Albrechtsburg,”
“the uniquely realistic and atmospheric etching of the Albrechtsburg fire,” and
“the reportage-style gouache painting showing the dramatic rise of the Elbe in 1789.”

This includes the romantic view of the Albrechtsburg from the Elbe riverbank (Szkurlat 2022, Fig. 7, p. 19).

All pieces of our service feature various Dresden views based on paintings by Bernardo Bellotto, known as Canaletto (1722–1780 Venice, Dresden, Warsaw), with one cup painted with a Pirna veduta (see below). Ehrlich rendered them masterfully—both decorative and faithful to detail, creating a harmonious effect. The déjeuner, with all its components, forms a magnificent, artistic ensemble that fits into the series of masterful porcelain views:

  • Seven-piece déjeuner, Kuskovo Museum (Pietsch 2010, No. 491). In his biographical notes on Ehrlich, Rückert (ibid.) mentions this seven-piece déjeuner with Dresden views, dating it precisely to 1776 based on archival records, which is the basis for our attribution and dating.
  • Déjeuner tray with a view of Warsaw, State Museum Stuttgart (Pazaurek 1929, Fig. 80; Szkurlat 2022, p. 52)
  • Déjeuner tray from Carlsberg Castle, ex-Elfriede Langeloh
  • The déjeuner with views of Dresden, Pillnitz, Moritzburg, Pirna, and Tharandt (Pescheteau-Badin, Paris, 12.12.2016, No. 102)


Herz, Raimund: Canaletto malt Dresden., Petersberg 2022

Kozakiewicz, Stefan: Bellotto, Bernardo Bellotto genannt Canaletto., 2 Bände. 1972

Rückert, Rainer: Biographische Daten der Meißener Manufakturisten des 18. Jahrhunderts., München 1990

Pietsch, Ulrich u. Banz, Claudia (Hrsg.): Triumph der blauen Schwerter., Ausstellungskatalog der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Leipzig 2010

Szkurlat, Anna: Pejzaze na porcelanie., Zamek Krolewski w Warszawie - Muzeum 2022

Walcha, Otto: Meißner Porzellan. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart., Dresden 1973

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