Round Meissen sugar box with lid, painted with chinoiseries
Three-pointed branch handle with knob in shape of a blossom; box height (without lid): 7.1 cm, Ø 11.3 cm; (with lid) 13.3 cm high; underglaze blue swords mark; impressed no. "3" (box) for Johann Gottlieb Kühnel (Miedtank in Keramos 232/2016 p. 15); gold numeral "57." on lid and box; Meissen c. 1740
The exciting scene with the two lions led by the reins is also found on a bowl painted in iron-red camaieu in the Tate Collection (Bonhams anonymous part III 22.07.2020 no. 12). The bowl from around 1723 could be found in the large Höroldt exhibition in Dresden in 1996 (1996 no. 12). The Chinese on the left of the lid of our box, with the long hat loop and the service tray is very similar to one on a cup of the Chinoiserie Service of the Weimar Art Collections, Belvedere Palace (Müller-Krumbach 1973 Fig. 15). Both go back to a scene from the Schulz-Codex, sheet 114 I 2.